× Plesk is a commercial hosting tool that comes usually bundled with vps servers

SMTP Valid Hostname > Reverse DNS is not a valid Hostname

5 Χρόνια 3 Μήνες πριν #91 από infogate
The solution here is simple.

Please check the following to pass all Mx Tools Tests

1. Check first your plesk hostname from Plesk --> General Settings --> Server Settings --> Full hostname
2. Use the same full hostname to /etc/postfix/main.cf using vi and change the hostname of mailserver
[code]vi /etc/postfix/main.cf[
myhostname = server.example.com <--edit and save using :wq
3. Ensure that you use the same rDNS for the server as the above hostname.
4. Check the dns used for the domains are ns1.hostname and ns2.hostname
5. Run the check after dns changes propagated (usually after 24 hours) and you are done :)

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