English Section 213 θέματα
This is the english section of our support forum. Here you can post your issue or read instructions using our services
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Windows Troubleshooting 2 θέματαFind here common problems reported from windows users
Hosting Troubleshooting 13 θέματαFind here common problems reported from users and system administrators for hosting issues
Joomla 19 θέματαFind here common problems reported from users and system administrators for joomla. Ask and get answers about your joomla site hosted by freespirits or any other hosting company
Virtuemart 28 θέματαFind here common problems reported from users and system administrators for the famous e-shop component, virtuemart, for joomla. Ask and get answers about your eshop based in virtuemart and hosted by freespirits or any other hosting company
Word Press 3 θέματαFind here solutions to common problems reported from users and system administrators for Word Press. Ask and get answers about your Word Press site hosted by freespirits or any other hosting company
Mysql 11 θέματαFind here common problems reported from users and system administrators for the famous database frameworks such as mysql, mariadb, mssql etc. . Ask and get answers about your website based using a database and hosted by freespirits or any other hosting company
SEO & SEM 21 θέματαInformation and case studies about optimizing and a webpage. Information and tips for SEO optimization. We answer all your questions and provide usefull true stories about a successful SEM.
CWP Control 48 θέματαInstallation and guides about a great free, plesk and cpanel alternative project. Feel free to ask us about CWP or add your opinion.
Plesk 7 θέματαPlesk panel section. Please feel free to write down your opinion or report any issue.
Post Fix 15 θέματαPost Fix section. Please feel free to write down your opinion or report any issue.
FTP 3 θέματαFind here common problems reported from users and system administrators for the famous ftp frameworks such as cute-ftp etc. . Ask and get answers about your website based using ftp and hosted by freespirits or any other hosting company
RO CSVI 9 θέματαRO CSVI section. Please feel free to write down your opinion or report any issue.
Use your imagination 1 θέμαImagination is the beginning of creation. So do meditate!
SSL Certificate 9 θέματαSSL Cerificates section. Please feel free to write down your opinion or report any issue.
Service-Logs 2 θέματαFind here common problems using the server logs. Ask and get answers about your website based and hosted by freespirits or any other hosting company
Server Security 14 θέματαInstallation and guides about a great free tools used for the security of a server based on CWP7, plesk, cpanel or other alternative project. Feel free to ask us about CWP or add your opinion.
Files 7 θέματαFind here common problems reported from users and system administrators for file systems. Ask and get answers about your file system used to your server site hosted by freespirits or any other hosting company
Azuracast 1 θέμαFind here common problems reported from users and system administrators for Azuracast streaming technology
English Section!
We will be more than happy to help you with problems related to our services and products. Please feel free to write it down as clear as possible
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